Westman Wildcats
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Player Information
Number: 35
Name: Danica Averill
Position: Goal
Shot: Left

Birthdate: 2009-02-13
Weight: 150 lbs
Height: 5'  9"
Grade: 9
Email: daniave48g@gmail.com
Mother's Name: Tracey
Father's Name: Dan
Mother Cell Phone: 431-541-7224
Father Cell Phone: 204-573-1646
Athletic Awards
U15 Goalie of the Year,U15 1st Team All-Star,Ryan White Athlete of the Year, U13 Hockey Winnipeg All Star team, 2022(2009)NAFE Goalie of Tournament

Volleyball, Tae Kwon Do(Black Belt)

Personal Goals
To play at the highest level possible

Graduation Year: 2027
Favorite Food: curly fries
Favorite Movie: Fast and Furious 1-10
Favorite Athlete: Trent Miner, Kristen Campbell

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